Dernières nouvelles

Dirk Vierendeel - Sales Marketing Manager

Bonne chance Dirk!

Europlex is pleased to announce that Dirk Vierendeel has been appointed as the new Sales Manager.

Dirk will be in charge of implementing and managing the sales activities, identify new market opportunities

and define the actions required to bring a new dynamic to our business and generate new growth.

Dirk starts his new position as Sales Manager on 3 December, he was allready active as Marketing Manager at Europlex since June 2017.

Dirk comments “I am excited to start a new challenge within Europlex and look forward to working with the team.

The company’s goal is to grow and expand market share and to further strength Europlex.

With new product offerings and expansion in recent years there is much opportunity for growth for this company"

Dirk’s appointment is a sign of commitment to achieving the company’s goals of increased expansion and growth

while pushing for superior levels of customer service.